As a Triathlon Mental Performance Coach, I understand that many of you are experiencing challenges relating to the mental aspect of our sport, which include:
• Experiencing panic in open water
• Very strong pre-race nerves that are impacting you in the lead-up to your race
• Struggling due to a setback, whether a DNF, slower time than expected or an injury
• You are not able to swim, ride or run faster than a particular pace, power, or speed (a mental block)
• It may be the very idea of a fast descent on your bike during your next training ride creates a sense of dread, that feeling of sweaty palms and a sky-high heart rate
• You may have been diagnosed with performance anxiety (a Social Anxiety Disorder) and from 4-8 weeks out from race day, you really struggle
It may not be a specific challenge, but you have read posts that I have written on social media about becoming mentally unstoppable, so as to race faster than you ever imagined possible.
It may be that through listening to my Podcast and reading posts-articles that I’ve written, you would like to learn about specific mental tools and strategies that will ensure that you train and race faster.
If the above resonates with you, let’s talk.
My name is Neil Edge.
I’m a Triathlon Mental Performance Coach and an ultra-endurance athlete.
Playing sports all my life, I was continuously searching for a competitive advantage.
Many years ago, sports teams and individuals began to understand the benefits of sports psychology in terms of performance.
I quickly realized that the mind plays an important part in the success of an athlete’s performance.

Preventing Panic in open water
As a runner trying to compete in Ironman races over the past 10 years, I have struggled so much in the swim leg only to come back strongly and pass others like crazy on the bike and run.
I swim well enough to beat the cutoff but always come out of the water close to last in AG and have to make up time.
At IM70.3 St George WC in 2021, I had a terrible experience in the lake and thereafter I suffered from paralyzing panic attacks in every OWS.
I saw Neil’s post in a Waco FB page and connected for a few sessions to help overcome my fear and feelings of self doubt.
Best investment I’ve ever made in this sport!!
The sessions with Neil helped me work through my fears and provided tools to control negative thoughts both in training and in my personal life.
I highly recommend Neil and his programs for all athletes.
He is encouraging and genuinely cares that you succeed and overcome the obstacles that are keeping you from success.
4 weeks to race day program
I took Neil’s 4 weeks to race day program, as I was experiencing strong pre-race anxiety before my Ironman 70.3 and it was the best decision I ever made.
Neil provided me with daily tools and strategies to assist me in preparing my mind for race day.
Truth is, if it were not for Neil, his experience, his approach and his knowledge, I doubt I would have turned up on race day calm, prepared and excited to start.
Even if I did turn up and start, I don't believe I would have finished in the time allowed.
Thank you Neil, I appreciate all you did for me.
More testimonials available upon request